Grain market update & Why sugar and coffee prices have seen their highs

Dirt road through fields by Julian Ebert via Unsplash

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“Grain market update & why sugar and coffee prices have seen their highs”

by Jim Roemer - Meteorologist - Commodity Trading Advisor - Principal, Best Weather Inc. & Climate Predict - Publisher, Weather Wealth Newsletter

  • Friday Evening Report - December 13, 2024

Below are the headlines of a recent FREE WeatherWealth report (please download it) suggesting the highs would soon occur for coffee prices, why South American weather will remain mostly bearish for soybeans, and why different flavors of La Niña suggest a volatile winter, weatherwise, for the natural gas market. 

Enjoy here

The video below addresses the following:

1) Why, several days ago, we advised WeatherWealth subscribers to sell call options in coffee, and, that the highs were in when prices were around $3.40 per pound;

2) Reasons behind a potential bear market in sugar, while cocoa prices go higher on more West African crop problems;

3) What is a La Niña Modoki? It is a west-based weak La Niña. What are its weather implications for South America and natural gas?

4) A look at some of our BestWeather Spider trade sentiment scores;

5) Soybean oil has been rallying as palm oil surges on increased global demand. Then, why have been bearish toward soybeans for nearly two years?


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